Where can i buy CBD oil: in stores or online?


With the many unique ways to experience the distinctive effects of CBD oil, many people are choosing CBD oil as their preferred form of CBD consumption. Some people prefer buying CBD oil products online, while others prefer the physical experience of buying from the local shops. Currently, there are many alternatives to purchasing CBD oil products.

The article will compare the two main shopping methods for CBD products: online or from the stores, their availability, and the reasons to rely on certain retailers’ shops.

Online Distributors

Many online hemp distributors offer a wide selection of CBD oil products from various top-rated brands around the country. Here is where you find many products and different varieties to choose from. The prices are also competitive, and there are always sales that you can take advantage of throughout the year.

Advantages of Buying Online

Online shopping has transformed the business landscape. You are likely to get online businesses to outnumber brick-and-mortar establishments in the CBD industry. The CBD e-commerce industries have recognized the unique value they can offer their customers by providing CBD oil products on the online marketplace.

Whenever you want the best and the most affordable CBD oil, Rusu et al. (2021) recommended that users consider buying the products online other than going in person. In many ways, online shopping will leave you with a better experience i.e.

Better Prices

Online retailers likely sell high-quality CBD oil at better prices than anyone can get in a nearby store. High demand on online platforms leads to higher competition. Another advantage is that there are no overhead costs when shopping online. CBD oil products are available in larger online stores.


It is not easy to compete with the privacy of online purchases. You only need to browse on the mobile device or PC, add to your cart, and check out when you are done without anyone knowing what you’ve been up to. Users who would like to shop for their products without scrutinizing prying eyes would go online shopping for their privacy. Once shopping in person, you don’t tell who you may run into.

Better Quality and Prizes

Quality standards are strict among online retailers because of the high demand that results in more discerning customers. It means that you will be satisfied with your purchase. Typically, you may find better prices and discounts when purchasing CBD oil online. Consumers get access to a wider variety of brands and outlets and make price comparisons fast. For the bargain hunters, online is the right way to go; performing the comparisons in person amounts to hours of commuting or multiple phone calls with significantly fewer options.

Reduced Shopping Time

Shopping online is effortless. Usually, there is no browsing from aisle to aisle when you can get what you are looking for in seconds. All the different variations of CBD oil can be presented on one page, with the prizes, customer reviews, and brands.

Better Deals

There is always a very competitive advantage among online retailers. They offer a competitive edge by having special promotion deals around the year to get new customers to check on their products. Trusted online stores have bundles of deals that you can use to purchase CBD oil online.


The availability of CBD oil products is increasing with time. They are available on the shelves of organic grocers in major cities, and there are also dedicated CBD franchises open for business in some regions. But there are places where the legal gray area around CBD affects its availability. Online can be the only option for people in such areas to get quality CBD oil. Online shopping lets you bypass the red tape and get your CBD product delivered at your door.

Why Buy CBD Oil Offline?

CBD stores are increasing across many states, and some are building solid reputations through good customer service. Vedelago et al. (2022) classified some reasons for offline shopping for CBD oil. The prevalent ones include:

Physical Inspection

Offline shopping enables the consumer to look at the product and inspect it thoroughly before purchasing it. These can decrease the risk of purchasing a bogus product. Scammers may also be operating from a reputable physical establishment because their items will be under the scrutiny of the public.

Personal Interactions

Some people value the ability to interact with the salesperson in real-time. They can get recommendations, voice their concerns, ask questions, and build a relationship. There is no real substitute for people who need that human interaction once you purchase physically.

No Shipping

Buying CBD oil online takes less time, but you still have to consider the delivery process and additional shipping fees. Even the most efficient courier services take some days to deliver the item. Some consumers prefer the products to get the items immediately after purchase. Offline shopping enables individuals to circumvent the whole shipping process.

Other Considerations When Buying CBD Oil

Beaulieu et al. (2016) noted some crucial benefits. Whether you decide to buy CBD oil online or from the store, the quality of the product is not compromised. Below are some indicators to help and guide your purchases, whether digitally or physically.

Third-party Testing

Laboratory results from a third party should be readily available to ensure that the products have undergone a safe manufacturing process.

Safe Method of Extraction

Ensure there are no toxic chemicals used during the manufacturing process. Chicoine et al. (2020) confirmed these sentiments. The CO2 supercritical method is the gold standard of extraction for high CBD yield and exclusion of unwanted chemicals.

Great Customer Service

Whichever outlet you choose to purchase CBD from, it should be a legal store and willing to assist you in decision making. The mark of a good company is excellent customer service.

Solid Vendor Reputation

Reviews of past customer service can go a long way. There should be customer experience that you can use as a reference either online or from a trusted source like a website or a forum.

Good Branding

Try to consider how the company presents its brands to the public. Active social media, a well-made website, and response to inquiries are signs of a quality brand.


Whether online or offline, shopping depends on what you value when purchasing CBD oil. For the people who prefer efficiency, anonymity, and pure convenience, online is more appealing than direct interaction with the sales representative and the product and the ability to make an instant exchange. Whichever method, choosing a high-quality item should be a customer’s top priority.


Beaulieu, P., Boulanger, A., Desroches, J., & Clark, A. J. (2016). Medical Cannabis: Considerations For The Anesthesiologist And Pain Physician. Canadian Journal Of Anesthesia/Journal Canadien D’anesthésie, 63(5), 608-624.

Chicoine, A., Illing, K., Vuong, S., Pinto, K. R., Alcorn, J., & Cosford, K. (2020). Pharmacokinetic And Safety Evaluation Of Various Oral Doses Of A Novel 1: 20 THC: CBD Cannabis Herbal Extract In Dogs. Frontiers In Veterinary Science, 7, 583404.

Rusu, I. E., Marc, R. A., Mureşan, C. C., Mureşan, A. E., Mureşan, V., Pop, C. R., … & Muste, S. (2021). Hemp (Cannabis Sativa L.) Flour-Based Wheat Bread As Fortified Bakery Product. Plants, 10(8), 1558.

Vedelago, L., Wardell, J. D., Kempe, T., Patel, H., Amlung, M., Mackillop, J., & Keough, M. T. (2022). Getting High To Cope With COVID-19: Modelling The Associations Between Cannabis Demand, Coping Motives, And Cannabis Use And Problems. Addictive Behaviors, 124, 107092.


Charlotte Cremers
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