When to take CBD oil for sleep


Studies on the effects of CBD oil on sleep are mixed but many claim that the cannabinoid may improve sleep and insomnia. Many take CBD oil for sleep about 1 hour before bedtime. This article helps you find more about CBD oil and its effects on sleep.

Do you find CBD therapeutic for sleep issues and insomnia? Many do and take the cannabinoid 1 hour before bed, allowing CBD oil enough time for action. Still, studies are mixed and it is not certain if CBD oil can treat sleep problems. So far, existing research finds CBD therapeutic and claims that it has a pivotal role in managing sleep problems, including insomnia. This article is your guide, it helps you understand how CBD oil and sleep relate, when to take it for sleep, and how much of the cannabinoid you can take for sleep problems.

What Is CBD Oil?

CBD oil is one of the many CBD products that are fast becoming popular. According to Massi et al. (2006) and Bauer et al. (2020), CBD is a non-psychoactive chemical compound in cannabis plants like hemp and marijuana. Such compounds are called cannabinoids and are more than 100 in nature. Since the body cannot take in CBD as a compound, manufacturers coin it with some compounds and bases, making dilute forms like CBD oil that are directly absorbable by the cells. The JustCBD full-spectrum oil and others feature a base liquid, primarily oils like MCT coconut, hempseed, and extra virgin olive oils to make the absorbed into the body. You can enjoy CBD oil in the following formulations;

  1. Full-spectrum CBD oil; has CBD with terpenes, flavonoids, and the whole range of cannabinoids in hemp plants, including CBN, CBC, and the psychoactive THC. According to VanDolah et al. (2019), the multiple compounds in full-spectrum CBD oil give it a full entourage effect.
  2. Isolate-based CBD oil; features 99% pure CBD without terpenes, flavonoids, and is preferred by CBD novices who want nothing to do with the earthiness of the additional hemp compounds.
  3. Broad-spectrum CBD oil; has the same composition as full-spectrum CBD oil, but does not have THC. Is best for people who want the full entourage effect of multiple compounds but nothing to do with THC.

CBD for Sleep

Can you take CBD oil for your sleep problems and expect a remedy? Studies on the effects of CBD oil are mixed and it is not certain whether CBD oil can treat your sleep issues. Still, a good number of CBD research finds the cannabinoid therapeutic and great for sleep. For instance, Shannon et al. (2019) reported that CBD oil can fight anxiety, pain, and improve sleep. It adds that this could be due to the interaction between the cannabinoid and the 5HITA receptors. Besides, Murillo-Rodriguez et al. (2014) added that CBD could help with sleep.

CBD for Insomnia

Insomnia is a sleep condition in which one lacks sleep at night, feels sleepy during the day, or can barely take long in bed. Can CBD help treat insomnia? According to Babson et al. (2017), CBD can help manage (not treat insomnia). The study shows that the cannabinoid can improve REM sleep disorder which contributes to insomnia. It also adds that it can improve chronic pain and help PTSD patients manage mental episodes to sleep better. Still, more studies are needed to prove that CBD can be good for insomnia.

CBD Oil for Factors Affecting Sleep

Although CBD oil may not treat insomnia and related sleep problems, it may help improve factors that contribute to sleep problems. For instance, Vučković et al. (2018) stated that CBD oil can help with chronic pains like fibromyalgia, cancer, and neuropathic aches. Yet, pain is one cause of sleep problems. According to García-Gutiérrez et al. (2020), CBD oil helps people manage stress, anxiety, and depression, helping them sleep better. Although these studies are promising and see great potential in CBD, more research is needed to back them up before recommending CBD for the claims.

When Should You Take CBD Oil for Sleep?

Many people take CBD oil to manage sleep. Do you want to make the cannabinoids part of your regime to manage sleep conditions? You certainly want to know when to take the cannabinoid. Many CBD fans who use CBD oil for sleep issues take it an hour to bedtime. Taking CBD about 30- 60 minutes to sleep allows the cannabinoid enough time to get absorbed into the body and start working. CBD takes 15- 45minutes to work, but there is no one-time-fits-all duration for it. The user’s metabolism, body composition, CBD history, CBD concentration, and potency are among the many factors influencing how long CBD oil will take to express the effects. Instead of taking it while in bed or a few minutes to bed, administer it an hour to sleep to allow it to kick in.

How Much CBD Oil Should You Take for Sleep?

A common question many CBD users ask is how much CBD oil to take. How much CBD oil should one take for sleep? There is no one-size-fits-all amount of the cannabinoid that every CBD user needs to take to manage sleep issues or insomnia. Like how long CBD oil takes to work, the amount of CBD one should take varies. The CBD oil potency, the user’s previous CBD exposure, metabolism, and severity of the sleep issues determine how much CBD they should take. When you are new to CBD oil, you need to keep the CBD potency and concentration low until the body gets used to the cannabinoid. CBD history matters and the more you take CBD oil, the more your body gets used to it. Metabolism is a critical factor in how much CBD you can take. People with higher metabolism process CBD faster and can tolerate more, and the converse is also true.


Studies show that CBD oil might help with sleep issues, including insomnia. Others add that it might improve factors that contribute to sleep, including pain, anxiety, and depression. Since CBD oil needs time to kick in, it should be taken at least an hour before bedtime. How much CBD oil you should take for sleep remains subjective, and depends on your metabolism, previous CBD exposure, and many other factors.


Babson, K. A., Sottile, J., & Morabito, D. (2017). Cannabis, Cannabinoids, and Sleep: a Review of the Literature. Current psychiatry reports, 19(4), 23.

Bauer, B. A. (2020). What Are The Benefits Of CBD–And Is It Safe To Use?. In Mayo Clinic.

García-Gutiérrez, M. S., Navarrete, F., Gasparyan, A., Austrich-Olivares, A., Sala, F., & Manzanares, J. (2020). Cannabidiol: a potential new alternative for the treatment of anxiety, depression, and psychotic disorders. Biomolecules, 10(11), 1575.

Massi, P., Vaccani, A., Bianchessi, S., Costa, B., Macchi, P., & Parolaro, D. (2006). The non-psychoactive cannabidiol triggers caspase activation and oxidative stress in human glioma cells. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences CMLS, 63(17), 2057-2066.

Murillo-Rodríguez, E., Sarro-Ramírez, A., Sánchez, D., Mijangos-Moreno, S., Tejeda-Padrón, A., Poot-Aké, A., Guzmán, K., Pacheco-Pantoja, E., & Arias-Carrión, O. (2014). Potential effects of cannabidiol as a wake-promoting agent. Current neuropharmacology, 12(3), 269–272.

Shannon, S., Lewis, N., Lee, H., & Hughes, S. (2019). Cannabidiol in Anxiety and Sleep: A Large Case Series. The Permanente journal23, 18–041.

VanDolah, H. J., Bauer, B. A., & Mauck, K. F. (2019, September). Clinicians’ guide to cannabidiol and hemp oils. In Mayo Clinic Proceedings (Vol. 94, No. 9, pp. 1840-1851). Elsevier.

Vučković, S., Srebro, D., Vujović, K. S., Vučetić, Č., & Prostran, M. (2018). Cannabinoids and pain: new insights from old molecules. Frontiers in pharmacology, 1259.


Crystal Kadir
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